Barazani.Berlin, Spreeufer 6, Berlin | 10 June 2024, 6 pm
The BARAZANI Dinner Table brings us together to share our worlds and our knowledge. We offer food for the body and mind and invite friends, neighbors, and community members to share words, thoughts, and space. was born out of resistance against the Humboldt Forum and its colonial violence. But what happens when the protest is over? How can protest turn into community practice? How do we take care of ourselves? In cooperation with the joint project Museums and Society – Mapping the Social (@museums_society) and the Berlin initiatives and activists that form their critical advisory board, @dekoloniale @diversityac @berlinklusion @schwulesmuseum and more, we want to discuss these questions with you via a joint dinner prepared by Gambian CookBook (@gambiancookbook).
We invite you to bring a conversation starter that resonates with these questions (this can be a physical object, a book, a song, a poem, a taste, or a smell…)
Barazani.Berlin, Spreeufer 6, Berlin | 10 June 2024, 6 pm
The BARAZANI Dinner Table brings us together to share our worlds and our knowledge. We offer food for the body and mind and invite friends, neighbors, and community members to share words, thoughts, and space. was born out of resistance against the Humboldt Forum and its colonial violence. But what happens when the protest is over? How can protest turn into community practice? How do we take care of ourselves? In cooperation with the joint project Museums and Society – Mapping the Social (@museums_society) and the Berlin initiatives and activists that form their critical advisory board, @dekoloniale @diversityac @berlinklusion @schwulesmuseum and more, we want to discuss these questions with you via a joint dinner prepared by Gambian CookBook (@gambiancookbook).
We invite you to bring a conversation starter that resonates with these questions (this can be a physical object, a book, a song, a poem, a taste, or a smell…)